I'm Perfection


With the ‘I’m Perfection’ edition, we celebrate natural beauty found in our flaws. This limited-edition Fingerbrush empowers users to embrace their unique traits.
Imperfection truly equals perfection!

cover I'mperfection

I'm Perfection

With the ‘I’m Perfection’ edition, we celebrate natural beauty found in our flaws. This limited-edition Fingerbrush empowers users to embrace their unique traits.
Imperfection truly equals perfection!

cover I'mperfection 2
Radiant Peach
Women with vitiligo brushing her hair
Red Confidence
Beautiful Women with Grey hair posing

The inspirations

The inspirations

‘I’m Perfection’ celebrates the beauty in individuality. Inspired by the unique stories told by every freckle, curl, or line, this campaign redefines imperfection as a source of confidence and pride, empowering everyone to embrace their own perfection.

Woman with vitiligo
Women with Vitiligo
Radiant Peach fingerbrush

Stories of Beauty from the Salon Chair

Gain confidence with the Fingerbrush I’mperfection. Thanks to Olivia Garden, every hair type can reveal its unique beauty. Alex shows how the Fingerbrush I’mperfection enhances natural curls and transforms every imperfection into a strength.

From Imperfection to Perfection
beautiful woman with grey hair
woman with grey hair having fun
Olivia Garden Silkcut: Curved, vented brush with black bristles. Elevate styling with premium tools for inspired hairdressing.

A touch of (im)perfection to your salon

Showcase the “I’m Perfection” Fingerbrush display in your salon and inspire clients to embrace their uniqueness. This limited edition celebrates individuality and empowers confidence with every brushstroke.

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display Imperfection
two women standing upfront to a glass with imperfection wrote in the mirror
Olivia Garden Silkcut brushes symbolize high-quality care; wide-tooth for effortlessness, dense bristles for intricate perfection.
Minimalist logo concept: Solid pink circle on white backdrop, embodies Olivia Gardens elegant, high-quality hair tools.
burgundy gear wheel shape
pink circle with a hole in the middle

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