It is all about making the first move! And this move is all about bamboo brushes!

Why Should You Use Bamboo Brushes?

In 2023, ecology remains a delicate subject. We’ve all heard and continue to hear about the necessity for changes in our daily lives to secure a better future for the coming generations. However, we recognize that implementing these changes isn’t always straightforward. This challenge becomes even more pronounced in the hairdressing industry, given its dependence on various chemical products.

The choice of materials for brushes often doesn’t align perfectly with ecological standards due to the specific needs of hairdressers, making the creation and production of these tools less than 100% eco-friendly. However, despite these challenges, we’re committed to looking ahead and crafting tools that meet professional requirements while also being environmentally conscious.


One step away from the eco-field: why opt for a bamboo brush?


Perhaps you’ve pondered how to make your salon more eco-conscious, a question we acknowledge isn’t easily answered. However, initiating change starts with small steps—gradual shifts toward a more mindful approach, incorporating environmentally sustainable work practices in hairdressing.

This is where Olivia Garden steps in with its line of Bamboo Touch brushes—a family of natural bamboo hairbrushes comprising three distinct ranges, all tailored for hair care and blowouts. These brushes and combs serve varied purposes, catering to diverse stylistic preferences. Our latest collection is crafted from certified eco-friendly bamboo, representing our commitment to sustainable hair brushes.

The Benefits of Bamboo

Bamboo stands as a cornerstone for more sustainable products. The material’s quick regrowth sets it apart from other woods. Not only is it robust and durable, but it also comes at a lower cost. Thus, bamboo offers numerous benefits—for both you and the environment.

Brushes and combs may not seem novel, but here’s the twist: using eco-friendly hair brushes like ours can significantly reduce your salon’s environmental footprint. The journey toward sustainability is ongoing, and we, along with our new Bamboo Touch brushes and combs, are here to support your eco-conscious endeavors.

Join Us on This Journey

We’ve taken the first step with our environmentally sustainable hairdressing practices and products.
Will you join us on this journey toward a more sustainable future?
